With the growing importance of ESG across your supplier industry, CERC recognizes contractors who train their employees to understand and mitigate the environmental risks associated with their business. The certification fee covers training and marketing  resources from Environmental Risk Professionals as well as a review of pollution insurance coverage to identify and highlight important coverage issues. Receive 20% savings on CERC certification fee and support from Environmental Risk Professionals. This special offering for AIA Contract Document customers provides support to implement safety training and qualification protocols as they pertain to environmental risks in ways that are not currently being addressed.


Environmental Due Diligence for AIA Contract Docs

A marketing kit with tools to differentiate as a CERC.

Environmental training through Pollution Prevention Practices.

A new way to instill confidence in project owners.

Support from Environmental Risk Professionals as needed.

An understanding of the broad range of environmental risks faced by construction operations.

Let's work together